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Rich Red Accents

Rich Red Accents

10th Mar 2014

Red. Scarlet. Crimson. Beautiful bold red is a a dramatic color that throws a punch where-ever it is found. When used in interior decorating, a little goes a long way. Take a couple of red throw … read more
Terrific Turquoise Mohair Throw Blankets

Terrific Turquoise Mohair Throw Blankets

4th Mar 2014

Turquoise is a terrific color. It can be restful hue, or can carry some real punch, when used in depth and combined with other bolder colors. We have seen in used in so many ways: Casually draped lig … read more
Gifts for Elderly

Gifts for Elderly

10th Feb 2014

While the world is awash with gifts for Children, finding suitable gifts for elderly can  seem difficult. So often they have everything they need.  It is even more difficult to find gifts fo … read more
Like a Butterfly

Like a Butterfly

26th Mar 2013

We have been selling Mohair throws and blankets for years on our old site. We are delighted to launch this brand new site for Mohairs and More, filled with  the beautiful hues our our gossamar&nb … read more